Monday, January 2, 2012

why hello 2012!!

new years resolutions.

yeah, i've got 'em. who doesn't? what holds me back is the fear of not being able to stick to them or complete them. however, this year...i am determined! hell, it is only january 2nd, anything is possible. i have 363 more days to go. i can do this. or can i?
the first step to success is to share you goals. make yourself accountable. so, that is what i am going to do. you all are my witnesses. you will watch me climb my mountains of resolutions. all. year. long. (hopefully). they resolutions. in a very particular order.

1. "get right". those are keith's words. but it holds true to our biggest goals for the new year. we want to get right, ie, healthy, in every way possible. we want to be physically healthy. we want have better eating habits, sleep habits and less alcohol. most of these things we already do, but i want to do them better. i want to go to the gym 5 times a week instead considering a mild dog walk my exercise. i want to remove unnecessary foods from my diet and add lots of good foods, like more fruits and veggies. i definitely sleep enough, but i want a more consistent sleep schedule, 7 days a week. and i don't drink a lot...but i think less is more. ya dig?

so that is a really huge resolution. it really has like 10 goals in one. and can really set us up for failure. as is the case with most people's resolutions. however, i think of this as a resolution that will morph into a lifestyle change. sure, we've set goals for ourselves to see positive changes. but once we see those changes, i don't want to go back to "the way things were". i want to "stay right". i want our goals to just become a way of life for us.
sure this is going to take a lot of work and will power. good thing there are two of us to hold each other up when the going gets tough :)

2. learn to roller blade and skateboard. for real. i can do both of these things well enough. so what if every time i get on my roller blades i must where 20lbs of padding for protection? it's no big deal. i'd like to learn how to do both of these sports because they are fun to me. yes, i realize it seems ridiculous that a women in her 30s wants to do these sports. do i care? not at all. so i want to learn them enough to have confidence to do them on my own.

3. continue traveling. keith and i love to travel. i think it's something we should always do. and keep as an important part of our lives. and speaking of traveling...we have a pretty big and awesome trip coming up in february!! :)

4. i say this a lot...but i want to keep in touch with my friends and family better. i have noticed lately that i am really sucking at it. i need and want to change this. well, because i love you all. and that should be motivation enough to stay in touch!

5. never lose sight of my dreams. this may seem like a lofty resolution. i mean, lots of people just give up chocolate bars as a resolution and call it a day. however, if you aren't challenging yourself, then how are you growing as a person? i have big dreams. i always have. i never want to lose sight of them. no matter how busy and crazy life becomes.

well, there you have it. my new years resolutions. i'll (try to) check back at least once a month to let you know how i am doing.

what are your resolutions for 2012?!?!


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