Friday, October 21, 2011

post MUD RUN

we did it.
we started and finished the MUD RUN. it was everything we hoped it would be. it was muddy. it was dirty. it was wet. cold. challenging. fun. scary. surprising. full of obstacles. a volunteer told us that there were 26 obstacles on this 6 mile course. we didn't keep count. but it sure felt like 26 obstacles.
what was awesome about it was that we were a team of four. four mud-slinglin' pirates. and we stayed a team of four. for the entire 6.2 miles. this was especially helpful on the challenging obstacles. like when we had to climb log walls or cargo nets. or when we were in water, chest deep and had to jump over logs that where 1-2 feet out of the water. we motivated each other to keep going and we had fun. our goal was to finish. in any amount of time.

the reason we chose to participate was simple: mom. keith's mom. we ran to support her fight against MS. by participating in this event we had the opportunity to fundraise for the MS society as well. between keith and i we raised $550!!
THANK YOU to everyone who supported us. we couldn't have done it without you.

and now, i would like to share with you some of our muddy pictures.

These are the BEFORE pictures:

 unfortunately most of the course was off in the woods, so it was hard for spectators to follow us around. the only pictures of us actually "doing" the obstacles are the last few, that were not in the woods.

we had just jumped from a 10 foot high platform into a pool of mud. delish.

after almost 6 miles...we're still pretty excited.
chris and keith tackling the mud hill.
i am not impressed. at all.

the mud hill leads you to a mud bath.
and another mud hill....
this was a very HUGE mud hill. we're sitting a the top.
that is our SPLASH after sliding down the best slip-n-slide EVER.

last obstacle: crawling through some pipe. filled with water.

these are the AFTER photos:
YAY! we did it!

we'll see you next year. seriously. it was exhausting. but totally awesome.


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