Sunday, July 17, 2011

life nutshell

dearest blog,

hello there! it's been a long time. i'm sorry i have neglected you. my life has just been so busy that i can hardly keep up with everything. so, as an apology, here is the update of my life. i know you have missed it. and i have missed sharing with enjoy!

after keith and i got married, we had ONE month left in greenville. we had ONE month to pack alllll of our belongings and move. and during all of that time i was still working on my GA project and my thesis and keith was studying for the PT boards. it was quite stressful. somehow we made it through the month.
keith passed his PT boards! we moved to raleigh and haven't looked back since. we are renting ryan and stephen's townhouse. they have moved on to bigger and better things. they bought a new house!
keith started work at raleigh neurology and had his first patient last friday. working is very surreal for him. he's been in school for 7 years all to do what he is finally doing! he did it! he is a physical therapist. i am so proud of him! :)
i started work with raleigh parks and recreation. again. when i left there almost 4 years ago. i never thought i'd be back. but thinking about it, parks and recreation is what i love. no matter what the reason i left and how badly the situation was, i should have known i'd be back. and i must's good to be back.

the only thing i am struggling with right now is my thesis. i am so over it. i have to find a way to get back on track with it. so that i can wrap up my master's degree and be done with that! so, any suggestions to find motivation would be much appreciated!

it's great to live in town with our family and friends. it's awesome to call them to hang out or invite them over for dinner. instead of having to figure out weekends where everyone's schedule works to hang out. and there are still so many friends i haven't seen yet. life feels so crazy. that i wish it would slow down so that we could enjoy it for a freakin' minute. i keep thinking that one day it will. but really, i know it never will. so, i better just keep holding on tight and enjoy the ride!

keith and i have been married for just over two months. two months! i can't believe so much has happened in two months. our lives have changed so much. and in such an awesome and great way. i love being married. i love living in raleigh (a statement i never thought i'd say) and i love what our future holds for us.

well, blog, that is my life in a nutshell. i hope to keep you updated more often. but i make no promises. take care and hopefully i'll write sooner than later :)


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