Monday, November 10, 2014

semi-organic life

so. i made a change to my "workout" tab. some of you may have noticed. some of you may not. the "workout" tab really wasn't doing it for me anymore. i write down my daily workouts on paper. so, for me to log-in and also document it here, well, you can see i was really failing at that. plus, i never really received any feedback on it. so i am going with the assumption no one really benefited from it being there.

BUT! i have been wanting to write more about our lifestyle. not to shove it in anyone's face, but because i enjoy it and it excites me. and anything that creates passion, is worth sharing. and by writing about it, we can talk about it and share ideas, thoughts, concerns...anything!
the tab above is entitled "semi-organic life" because that is exactly how we live. we eat as clean and organically as we can. but, for us, we know that it's not possible all the time. my exercise and wellness regime is a huge part of my lifestyle too. so that will filter in here as well. my thought is to put up a regular blog post, much like this one is, and then store all of the "semi-organic life" blogs under that tab. it will be a away of categorizing some of my blog posts. so, if you are interested in just our lifestyle blogs, you can gain access to them all in one place instead of having to sift through everything.

so, what will i write about in "semi-organic life"?
  • food!
  • healthy eating
  • recipes [hopefully. i am so bad at writing down my recipes.]
  • workout ideas
  • my personal workout schedules/routines
  • workout goals
  • struggles with living an organic life [costs, resources, etc]
  • workout challenges [injury, illness, travel]
this is a new project for me. i am excited about it and look forward to continuing this journey with you all.


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