Tuesday, November 2, 2010

life flies.

it's november.
holy shit.

this has been the fastest semester of my life. it was august like 5 minutes ago. and i'm not even kidding. i feel like it is going by so fast that i can't even enjoy a freaking minute of it. we live week-to-week. with all of our crazy plans. we barely scrape by just to begin another crazy-ass week. phew, i feel worn out just thinking about it. i mean it's tuesday. i work all day today. tomorrow will be a school day: school work and night class. thursday i work all day. friday i have to work a half-day, then i have a lunch date and wedding dress shopping! yay! then football saturday! arrrgghhh. and sometime in there i will have to find time to do more school work for next week. but when? who knows. i can only think so far in advance.

and that is just school and work stuff (plus a little bit of play). i didn't even touch on wedding and thesis stuff. those are two other big things that occupy my life. i am really surprised my head hasn't spun off yet.

here are my saving graces:

keith. seriously. he keeps me grounded. probably more than he realizes. but also he can tell when i am starting to unravel. and helps me to relax.

making ME time. everyday i try to save time for myself. exercising is usually my ME time. i enjoy it. plus i want to look super sexy on my wedding day. so, it's somewhat two-fold as to why i do it.

i have finally learned that i can't do everything all the time. i can only do what i can do. if it has to wait until tomorrow. well, then it will. the world will not end because it has to wait. if the laundry piles up, so what? if the house goes un-vacuumed for one more day, who cares? contrary to popular belief, i am not superwoman. i have to rest sometimes too. so the laundry, vacuuming and school work can wait.

my life is crazy. it always will be, as much as we try to fight it. so instead of fighting it, i think it's time we just embrace it and enjoy it. because most of the time we do!

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