Thursday, April 26, 2012

we're insane.


so i haven't updated you all recently on my new year's resolutions recently. did you think i'd forget?! noooo....
well, the most important resolution, "to get right", has proven to be quite a struggle for us.

until now.

so the gym was nice. but it wasn't cutting it for us. it was not very motivating. and not producing the results we wanted. and if we didn't go...who cared. our eating habits were good, but could always be better especially on the weekends when all hell seemed to break loose.

so we decided to do INSANITY.

what's that you ask? the most craziest, hardest, sweatiest, INSANE workout you've ever done.

it's a 60-day workout plan that is based on plyometrics and cardio.  it also comes with the suggested workout schedule and an nutrition guide. both of which we've been following. 
we just completed day 11.
in addition to completing absolutely insane workouts everyday, we are now very aware of how much we should eat every day. we count calories. we eat 5 small meals per day. we have removed all processed foods from our diet (not that we had much in our diet to begin with). we eat A LOT of fruits and veggies. we drink a shit ton of water. i pee more than i ever have in my life.

and even though it's only been a week and a half, we've noticed a difference. we've lost a little bit of weight. our muscles are starting to get more toned. we are sleeping better. not that we ever had problems sleeping before, but now we PASS THE HELL OUT. 
and most importantly, we have more energy and overall feel better. we feel healthier and are striving to stay that way.

sure we want a mcdonald's big mac every now and again. and we know that it will taste soooo delicious. but we also know that afterward we will feel guilty and probably physically feel bad because our bodies aren't used to eating junk. and eating junk doesn't help to fuel us for our workouts!
and i think that is another piece of it. we want to feel good to workout. so everything we eat and drink goes to preparing our bodies for our VERY INTENSE workouts. and i guarantee you a big mac will not prepare us very well to get insane.

so, as of today, day 11, on this new venture we are having a great time. and enjoy the challenge, because it is a challenge. we are excited to get in shape and to get sexy ;)

i'll keep you posted as we continue. hopefully it continues to go well! 

plus, we got our friend dan to do this with us!! and a few of my facebook friends are getting INSANE too! so we'll all be slim and sexy in a couple of months. so watch out!


1 comment:

Jenn & David said...

you go girl! Glad you have some accountability!