Tuesday, January 7, 2014

twenty fourteen

it's a new year. time to set new goals, challenges, and dreams. i have LOTS of them for this year.

1. stay right. i have worked really hard at my physical health. i eat well [most of the time] and obsess over what is in our food. i exercise religiously. even though i do not see these lifestyle choices changing, i feel that it is important to always have goals. i want to stay focused on this aspect of my life because it is so important to me. which leads to me to resolution #2.....

2. run some races. i have been exercising using HIIT since april. i am ready to challenge myself even more. i want to do that through running [a sport i used to love]. my goal is to run at least two 5ks [if not more] and one 10k. i have been very fickle about road races the past few years, so i think i need to start small.

3. write professionally more. i enjoy writing so much that i want to continue to share it with the world [and it wouldn't hurt to earn some money from it either ;) ].

4. expand the blackout community. sharing my journey through life with epilepsy has been amazing. i want to continue to share my story, while creating a community that fosters education and awareness. 

5. open my own business. this was a resolution from last year. and even though it has not come to fruition yet, does not mean that i changed my mind on it. the timing wasn't right. 2014 is the year!!!

6. financial freedom. last year i suggested that i wanted to achieve financial responsibility. we are financially responsible. but i would like to build our assets and plan for the future. and i think that will give us the financial freedom we desire.

7. pay it forward. through random acts of kindness. through doing the right thing. through sending a card. i just want to put more goodness out into our world.

8. travel to somewhere new. we love to travel, but often go to our favorite places over and over again. i want to see some new places this year!

i think that is a good list to start with, don't you?

what are your goals, challenges, and resolutions for 2014?!!


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